Layout Research

For my brief I am also looking into layout for my book/publication. I want the images to be presented in a little book, in which I will have to research how to achieve and create the book.
I have looked online and found some examples of books, magazines and publication which stand out to me because of their layout, design and colour.
I like this example of layout because of the colours. I like the blue, white, black and pink
It also has patterns integrated into the layout like the black inky dashes which adds texture and design to blank pages. The layout is also really nice because it is simplistic and clean.
Another layout I like is this, by Rachel Katsaller. Its very simple, but beautiful. Again, it has the colour scheme I desire and in the style. The style of the font and illustrations look rough, hand drawn and authentic and not properly bound like a book but more of a casual look.
The third layout I found is this by Maria Herreros. I like the style in which this is designed and bound as a book as well as the pretty blush colour schemes. I like how most of what I have looked at so far are all hand drawn and hand written without digitization in sight giving it an authentic and childlike aesthetic.
I also spotted these books whilst researching and loved them. They are quite different regarding colour scheme but have lots of bright colorful textures and patterns which appeal to me. It inspires me for designing textures and using a multitude of colours.
This layout does include digital type but is Incorporated really nicely. I also lke how the book is bound and the use of bulldog clips. This looks like a easy but nice way of bounding a book with limited resources. I also like the colour scheme and layout.