Fashion Editorials and Photography
For my final piece I am wanting to create an editorial full of photographs, focusing on the fashion and expression of people. To help me with this I am looking at the design of fashion editorials and photography.
- This is Conor O’Reilly photographed by Pawel Herman and styled by Umar Sarwar, for an issue of Attitude magazine, the project called True Colors (found on Each photograph has Conor wearing femine clothes, with a mix of masculine (so it is not like drag) and also makeup. This is a mixture of gender and clothing that is interesting to me becasue he looks good but is going against the social norms of gendered clothing that I have explored when researching into gender stereotypes within children's clothes.
- I have looked at some fashion editorials and campaigns that will help my research, firstly discovering the work of Suits Studio who offer suiting for women. For their recent campaign they are driving home the point by featuring fully suited women alongside completely naked men. This is an intelligent way of using photography to advertise because it strips the man from the suit image (literally) and adds focus to the females wearing the suits.
- I found an article on about how performance duo Dark Matter explore how fashion can truly support the trans experience with new online project.Their latest project, ctrl/alt/gender uses the Squarespace platform to combine multiple formats such as poetry, imagery and ‘behind the scenes’ style tidbits, creating an online zine examining the perceived artifice in constructing a gender fluid fashion image, vs the lived experience of those who lie outside of the gender binary.
- 'We wanted to challenge the idea that there is something inherently gendered about fashion. More broadly, we wanted to push back on the idea that gender is what we look like to begin with. So much of the dialogue about gender and fashion erases trans (and especially gender nonconforming people), so we wanted to see what would happen when we were present. We also wanted to experience and think about what it felt like to ‘stage’ gender nonconformity for a fashion shoot when we both dress like this in our daily lives. What is it about the camera, about the pose, about the shoot that gives greater permissibility to gender transgression than the public more generally? What happens when the camera stops but everyone still thinks we are still dressing up?'