Cinema 4D with Jay Payne 1
Today’s lesson was the first lesson with Jay Payne who taught us about Cinema 4D. I have used Cinema 4D a bit before last year when we had some tutorial lessons but I have not done much, or any since, so it was good that we got a bit of a refresher lesson.
He taught us step by step how to create a 3D image/text and then make it rotate. Most people wrote out there name but I choose to create a moon and starts to try make it look like a night time scene (which is why the background is dark). I designed these before hand on illustrator and then moved these into a Cinema 4D document. He then taught us to make these objects 3D and also to add colour and maybe textures to the objects. Then, we added a floor and background and also lighting to make the object look even more 3D. The lighting looks especially good when the image rotates as it looks very 3D and as if it is in an environment. Lastly we added cameras, and one of the cameras was used to make it look like objects span around. A center was placed on the objects that the camera spun around so it looks as if the shapes were spinning, not the camera.
This is my final outcome! Because of my inexperience with Cinema 4D I think that if I did it again or got more experience with the program I would have a much better outcome. I would maybe use a different object too as it doesn't look as good as I had imagined and also render the video closer to the moon and starts. However I think for a new project the outcome is okay!