Rob Lycett - Adobe CC

In today's lesson Rob guided us through some Photoshop tutorials and focused on background removing tools. Firstly he taught us how to edit photographs with Photoshop. I created this piece of work as we followed along with his tutorials.

I used the magic wand tool to remove the background of the building and then changed the settings to turn it black and white. We were taught how to use the magic wand tool as well as other background removing tools such as the marquee tool, lasso tool, magnetic lasso tool and quick selection tool.

Because the grey sky background was removed I was able to take blue sky from a different photograph and place it behind the building which adds a cool collage effect. Text was also added to show us how to create smart objects.

We then got shown how to remove green screen backgrounds using a different method. We used photographs taken from a couple of weeks ago for the book of lies video project. I removed the green screen and was able to edit, warp and add backgrounds to my image to create a whole new image. I was able to do this as we were taught how to correctly use layers and add vector masks. In the end I produced an image of my face in the sky, like I am apart of the storm clouds looking down at earth. 

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