Our task was to undertake location drawing around town and produce some art work. Our group was split into three and my group was taken to Huddersfield outdoor market. We got into pairs and found a position to sit and draw a part of the market. I decided to draw a corner of the building which had a food stand below it. I used pencil at first to intricately add all the detail and finally added fine liner and marker pens to add colour because the building was very colorful.

I did not manage to complete the drawing because I ran out of time however I am happy with it because I think that the detail on the building has been captured well and the colour is bright and vivid.
Everyone then put their work up on the wall in the class room to showcase it and discuss. The first group drew a hotel and the second drew parish church. It was interesting to see how other people tackled the task.
I enjoyed this task because it meant getting out of the class room and exploring and drawing buildings which I quite enjoy. However I would like to have had time to finish the piece or to do a few more other sketches.