Cinema 4D

Today Stephen introduced us to cinema 4D. He firstly showed us a video of examples of work made on this software and I was amazed by most of the work as they were so good and felt excited that I would be learning the software that these can create.

We were showed the basics of how to use this software and by the end my brain was fried with information. Firstly he showed us how to put a square in the area. We were also shown examples and what you can create on the software, for example this packaging. There is also a lot of rendering process with this software and we were shown the different kinds and how to use it.

We also got to make our own 4D moving video. We also learnt about how to add lighting, sunshine, texture mapping and adding a title. The final task was to create a logo our our name in cinema 4D. Here is my name in 3D and also with a neon glow effect. I also had to add lighting and backgrounds and floor. 

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