Referencing Seminar

In today's seminar we were taught how to reference in our essay. Referencing is important because it shows what you have read/shows research, support points, enables readers to follow up, to get good marks and to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism is the theft of someone else's work without proper acknowledgement and software such as Turn It In can detect it in work.

The referencing system I must use is called the APA 6th referencing system and I must reference quotations, summarising and paragraphs. When referencing in-text citations you must show the last name of the author and the date for example (Lee, 2016).
But when referencing in a list or bibliography you must follow this rule (for books): name, year, title, page no or publisher. For example, Lee, A. (2016). How to reference. Lee Publishing.

Here is a photograph showing the referencing leaflet I received, as well as the activity sheet where I practiced referencing for a book, website and journal article.

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