Book Trailer Animation
One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest - Book Trailer from Abigail lee on Vimeo.
After my first after effects workshop with Sara, she gave us the task of creating 10 slides for a motion graphic of a book trailer. With these slides we would then make them into the animation on after effects together as a class. I decided to choose the book 'One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest' by Kevin Kesey because I had studied the book and film in college so knew a bit about it.
I brain stormed a few ideas but decided to go with an animation of a bird breaking free from a cage and then flying and landing onto the book title. I chose this because in the book the prisoners escape the prison, like the bird is. I choose to go down more of the animation route than motion graphic, and by that I mean the bird flies in an animated style where as some people in class's work looked more like a motion graphic where each slide was different and did not flow into a story. I made each slide on photoshop but used illustrator to design some if the elements such as the bird.
In class we then put together the slides on after effects. I firstly added the sound - I chose a low instrumental song because the animation I made looked quite lighthearted when to be honest the book is not so I wanted to add a darker undertone to the video. Once the audio was added I added each slide and changed the length. For the slides they are one second long except for the flying sequence which I halved to make the flight of the bird smoother. I then rendered the video and voila it was made! I like how the video turned out and it has given me more confidence when working with after effects.
After my first after effects workshop with Sara, she gave us the task of creating 10 slides for a motion graphic of a book trailer. With these slides we would then make them into the animation on after effects together as a class. I decided to choose the book 'One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest' by Kevin Kesey because I had studied the book and film in college so knew a bit about it.
I brain stormed a few ideas but decided to go with an animation of a bird breaking free from a cage and then flying and landing onto the book title. I chose this because in the book the prisoners escape the prison, like the bird is. I choose to go down more of the animation route than motion graphic, and by that I mean the bird flies in an animated style where as some people in class's work looked more like a motion graphic where each slide was different and did not flow into a story. I made each slide on photoshop but used illustrator to design some if the elements such as the bird.
In class we then put together the slides on after effects. I firstly added the sound - I chose a low instrumental song because the animation I made looked quite lighthearted when to be honest the book is not so I wanted to add a darker undertone to the video. Once the audio was added I added each slide and changed the length. For the slides they are one second long except for the flying sequence which I halved to make the flight of the bird smoother. I then rendered the video and voila it was made! I like how the video turned out and it has given me more confidence when working with after effects.