In today's seminar we got into group of threes and were given cards with words on them. These words were all related to a design manifesto and with them we had to create our own manifesto sentences.
As a group we came up with the following sentences:
- Challenge concepts
- Challenge/break the rules
- Question ideas
- Believe in your product/ideas
- Avoid tunnel vision
- Explore every alternative
- Disrupt the norm
- Make influence
- Practice belief
- Open questions
- Complex is not always better than simple

Then Rob and Anna instructed us to choose our seven favorite manifesto quotes that we would follow ourselves. The seven I chose were number 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 11. With our selected seven we then used a website to send these sentences to Robs computer where the software shows everyone in the class's manifesto quotes on the board for everyone to see. We then had to pick three sentences from the board (could be our own or someone else's) that we thought were most relevant to us and that we believed in. There were quite a few good ones but in the end I chose:
- Movement is only possible when boundaries and rules are eliminated
- Believe in your product/ideas
- Question and challenge concepts
I chose these because they spoke to me the most and is what I would put in my design manifesto.