Response to Dr Me collage
Another collage artist I liked when researching was Dr Me. The picture below specifically caught my eye. I like how it is a self portrait of a woman but her face has been spliced in circles and moved, making her face distorted and unrecognizable. Therefore I decided to have a go at this technique myself using a picture of me.
Firstly I found this old selfie where I am looking straight into the camera. I chose this because if my face was at an angle it would be harder to distort. On Photoshop I turned it black and white because the colours in the photo weren't that good and I thought black and white would make the outcome more dark/disturbing. I then printed the photo out and got my scalpel out! For the circular cuts I needed guides as I would not be able to cut perfect circles. I grabbed different sized round objects on my desk such as pencil pots, tape and bottle lids. With these objects I cut around them with a scalpel to create different sized rings. Once all the rings were cut out I arranged them in different positions until I was happy!
This is the outcome. I like how it came out and it was a fun experiment! I moved the rings a lot so my face is totally mashed up and distorted but you can still see the features. I also edited the image on VSCO cam and made a green and pink tinted version because I thought they looked good.