Essay seminar - Music
For this weeks seminar with James we had to bring in a printed document with possible questions for our essay. For the question 'Discuss the effect of subcultures on influential graphic designers and/or animators' I wrote - How music/music genres have influenced graphic designers. I understand this question is not very precise but I am still unsure on what I want to focus on however I am leaning towards looking at album covers over the years and maybe looking at really famous covers.
We also had to find a definition of what the topic we were covering was, so I found one for music:
We also had to find a definition of what the topic we were covering was, so I found one for music:
'vocal or instrumental sounds combined in such way as to produce beauty of form, harmony and expression of emotion'
James then wanted us to re write this quote in my own words. I wrote:
'Noise mixed in a melodic fashion to create harmonious and rhythmic sound.
I then wrote a part of what could be in my essay which was: Music has shaped the way graphic design is created over the years with new styles and genres moulding the culture. I am considering putting this in my first paragraph of my essay as an introduction. Next week we need to have written part of our introduction as a draft. I hope to complete this and also think about the topic more, to have a clearer view on what to write in the essay.