Clipped writing

In todays seminar with James we learnt about clipped writing, which is a shortened sentence that still gets the point across. We watched a clip from the film 'Casablanca' and had write down information from the conversation that we picked up on. We did this because the clip was short however all the information you needed to know about the topic was said. To help us understand more we watched a clip from 'The room' that had really bad clipping. The conversation in this clip was brief and random and left you feeling confused. After this we peer assessed each others work as we had to bring in the beginning paragraph of our essay. This was helpful to me as my work got tweaked so that it was more readable and flowed better.

We must use this technique in our essays as we do not want to ramble and not make any sense, but to get to the point in a concise and simple way.

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