Character Animation
In my animation lesson with Sara we focused on character animation. In the previous lesson we were given the task to create a character on illustrator that we could animate. Its limbs had to be in separate layers so I could move them. I decided to draw a sloth because I have drawn a sloth image before so I just put it onto illustrator and traced over it with the pen tool, to draw each section of the sloths body.
In class Sara showed us step by step what to do. I first made a background of a tree with the sloth climbing across the branch and then had the idea of the sun setting and the moon rising as the sloth was moving to emphasise how slow the sloth is at walking across the branch. I got the hang of giving each limb a movement so it looked like it as moving smoothly and lastly animated the background where the blue sky fades into black and the sun changes into the moon. I am really happy with how this animation turned out and enjoyed making it.
In class Sara showed us step by step what to do. I first made a background of a tree with the sloth climbing across the branch and then had the idea of the sun setting and the moon rising as the sloth was moving to emphasise how slow the sloth is at walking across the branch. I got the hang of giving each limb a movement so it looked like it as moving smoothly and lastly animated the background where the blue sky fades into black and the sun changes into the moon. I am really happy with how this animation turned out and enjoyed making it.