extra work: Cinema 4D (as a design tool)

 As extra work for my cinema 4D tutorial (as a design tool) I have designed a beer bottle and beer can label so that the 3D objects I made have my own work on them instead of the label designs given too us in class. I looked at some craft beer labels on and was inspired by some cute woodland themed beers with foxes on them. I took inspiration from these and decided to design the cans with a fox logo on use woodland colours like dark greens. I drew a cute cartoon leaping fox using my drawing tablet and vectored and coloured it on Photoshop.

I also used shape tools to make a green leaf garland. I used the labels we were provided as a guide for sizing and placed my work over the top. I decided to call the beer 'foxy pale ale' because of the fox theme. I found a colour schemed I liked that had different shades of green and pinks and used this colour palette in my design.  

First of all I designed the bottle labels. I added my fox illustration and then made a green leaf garland for a border on the rounded label. I also put this onto the back label and changed the position to fit the different shape better, and to kind of hug the text that I wrote. I added some text to the back label and also drink information similar to what current real bottles have to display. I chose a font for the title and changed the colour and sizing of the 'Foxy' and 'Pale Ale'. I also decided to add a texture that I downloaded on top of the artwork, to give it a more textured and rough look. 

Below is the design put onto my previous Cinema 4D bottle! At university I added my new design as a texture and this put the design straight onto the label. I am happy with the way this looks.

I also decided to add this design into a can format using my 3D can designs. I transferred my previous artwork into the document with the can layout. The center part is the front of the can so I added the fox in large with the logo and the garland. The left side has the logo as a diagonal with the fox and then the right has the bar code and information about the drink such as alcohol percentage. I looked at some real beer cans and looked at what information they displayed. 

When I first added the design to Cinema 4D the positioning was wrong and the diagonal foxy was cut off at the bottom. I went back into Illustrator and rearranged the design, moving the assets up. Here is the design on the cans! I really enjoyed creating a packaging design as it was one of my first times and learnt some new techniques. I like that I now have the cinema 4D files that I can use for future designs. 

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