Anti Trump Art
To help with planning and creating my illustrations for the publication I have decided to look up anti-trump art work to see what has already been done and what can be done. An object of ridicule, Donald Trump is a ready-made caricature, and artists have been ruthless in their exaggeration of everything so patently wrong with this fiasco of a man.
Examples are Hanksy’s celebrated wall mural of Trump depicted as poo on the Lower East Side has become an iconic meme from this seriously funny artist.
A mysterious and clever artist photoshopped Trump’s face onto this photo of a row of Rolling Stones inspired urinals from a bar in Paris, giving new meaning to the term, “potty mouth”.
Examples are Hanksy’s celebrated wall mural of Trump depicted as poo on the Lower East Side has become an iconic meme from this seriously funny artist.
A mysterious and clever artist photoshopped Trump’s face onto this photo of a row of Rolling Stones inspired urinals from a bar in Paris, giving new meaning to the term, “potty mouth”.
Lastly Illma Gore created this hideous drawing of Trump, laid bare in all his micro-penis grandeur, which resulted in the artist getting beaten up by no-doubt proud Americans.